The tool below enables you explore the NOTAM APIs by building queries and viewing live data. Along with your user key, fill in the parameters for the desired API and click 'Try it out!'. If you don't have a user key, Sign Up here for an account.

The APIs listed on this page have Global data coverage.

NOTAM Data is available in XML via the AIXM 5.1 Digital NOTAM Event Specification or in GeoJSON format.

Visit us on GitHub Visit our GitHub Repository for a complete list of schemas used to serve the XML data found on the Laminar Data APIs.

Check out the Laminar Data UML model for a full breakdown of how the Laminar API is structured and how individual elements relate to one another.



To increase the usability of the data, Laminar Data inserts a custom extension within the EventTimeSlice elements under the event:extension. This contains useful properties that cannot be expressed in the standard AIXM Event model. The section below will explain the fields present within that extension.

Cancelled NOTAMs

If a NOTAM is cancelled, the date and time at which the cancellation was recorded will be available within the extension element, as shown in the example below:


NOTAMs that are cancelled will cease to be returned by the NOTAMs by FIR API call, but will remain accessible via their UUID in the NOTAMs by ID API call for a period of time after cancellation.

This field will only be returned on NOTAMs by ID API calls.

Replaced NOTAMs

A NOTAM may be subsequently replaced by another NOTAM after it has been issued. When this has occurred, a link will be made between the two NOTAMs based on their identifiers. The older NOTAM will contain a reference to the UUID of the NOTAM that has superseded it, as shown in the example below. The older NOTAM should also generally contain a cancellation time as it will no longer be in force.


Likewise, the newer NOTAM will contain an inverse link to the older NOTAM UUID:


These fields will only be returned on NOTAMs by ID API calls.

NOTAM Geometries

Where possible, an approximate area of effect of the NOTAM will be provided as a standard GML geometry, for example:

         <aixm:Surface srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                        <gml:posList srsDimension="2">52.0333 -3.6333 ...<gml:posList>

The EventExtensionGeometry will be returned for both NOTAMs by ID and NOTAMs by FIR API calls, but the element will be omitted if it was not possible to determine a geometry for the NOTAM.